But no, I'm just using the expression because it has the key word "Lead" in it, and I know is not a very obvious reference to the topic, but I couldn't think of anything better... Oh, oh... wait... I got one... "It's an eagle, it's moss... It's EAGLEMOSS". Man, that's not only really lame, but if I write down that title why would I put the link to the Leonard Nimoy's video? I need it to look innocent, but the real reason is to rise awareness, you all read the signs... Hobbits unite? This is real, people! It's happening right under our noses, we'll be replaced by halflings and they'll follow Nimoy. Did you see J.J. Abrahams? He kinda looks like a Hobbit...

Where was I?
Oh yeah, Lead and Eaglemoss. Recently I started collecting these kick ass lead figurines from Eaglemoss. They are cast in lead and hand painted, very detailed and wicked awesome.
They are made in the UK and come with a magazine with the title Super Hero Collection, and although the magazine is just an excuse to get the figurines it is very well done with a whole background history of each character, essential reading material and a list and bio of friends and foes. Good thing to have on a bus, for example.
"Flash in a posse a little too serious to be Wally West. Hawkman looks amazing, very dynamic, powerful and massive. Booster Gold, the one that actually dragged me to this line. Martian Manhunter has a very cold facial expression that goes great with Booster and Beetle's. Blue Beetle, also dynamic, very goofy looking, like he should".
I know there's a similar Marvel series, but being a DC Freak I'll keep getting these. There's a lot, almost 50 already released, and they are not cheap in Argentina, so I started with the Justice League, then I'll go for Batman villains, then we'll see.
"Batman with some great details on the cape and a very cool posse, plus he was on the first issue and Superman only made it to the second! Ha! Good thing for Batman fans. Captain Marvel, very big smile as always, very nice sculpt too. The Creeper looks incredibly pissed about something, the best dynamic posse of them all. And finally Guy Gardner, naughty grin and everything, I would have preferred the OTHER haircut, but hey, nothing is perfect".
There are also special statues, bigger than the usual figurine: Bane, Killer Croc, Gorilla Grodd, Darkseid, Solomon Grundy, Doomsday, the Anti-Monitor and a very cool Bat-Cycle. This things are really heavy, I think that if you buy an Anti-Monitor you need to declare it as a possible weapon.
"I mean, you could kill a guy with that thing (or a Multiverse, your choice)".
I still have a long way to go until have all the figurines I want, but this was the start of a beautiful (terrible for my paycheck) friendship.
One more thing: If you are intrigued by the size of these guys, here's a comparison pic:
well, compared with Marvel characters of similar series, they look pretty as well (i have one of them -it’s not mine-: Grey Hulk, that comes with a magazine bout the character along the years, a poster in polychromy both sides -size between A3 & B3- & the figure itself has its own box nicely printed)... i guess that they r heavy, in spite of their size, due to its material (they r actually a dangerous weapon LOL...) very good acquisition colleague !
These are at my local comic shop. They look amazing. I was surprised how much the Killer Croc looks like the DC Infinite Heroes Killer Croc - like the exact same source image was used to make each one.
I saw these hand painted figure with magazine at my end too. I am impressed you collected the whole series.
This is the first time I've seen some group shops and reviews FS and they look great! Nice one!
Chris: I'm intrigued. If that Grey Hulk is not yours, why do you have it?
Bubba: Yes the crocs look very similar (and great). I'm so jealous you have easier access to them!
Leon: Is a good thing that you are impressed, but I'm not even close to completing the series. I have 9, there are 48!
FMS: Well, I had to be the first at something... I mean, I'm doing MOTUC reviews two months too late.
then i’ll solve the mistery: i have that figure cuz if my friend’s mother notice that he buys more figures (& he has quite a bit...) myb his life will be in danger LOL... so he ask me to keep it safe, for a "few time"...
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