Black Lantern Hal Jordan and White Lantern Sinestro (from C2E2).
I don't usually talk about packaging, since I'm an opener, unless packaging is way cool or fun (like the Wonder Twins or the new exclusive Plastic Man from Mattel) I'm not interested in it. In this case I just thought the box was clever and very well designed, with only one flaw: An exclusive toy is something you are lucky to get. You either went to the event where it was sold or found it on ebay and pay like the unworthy idiot you are or you find someone to get it for you...
My point is that if you know you are making that kind of toy, and you're going to make a nice looking book-like packaging...
OK, rant over. Let's go to the figures.
Hal Jordan as a Black Lantern is just a repaint from last years SDCC Hal-Jordan-in-every-color-we-can-think-of exclusives. So in the sculpting department there's not much to say. Since I don't own any of those, I'm happy with this well sculpted figure and I wanted to have one for the Black Lantern/Justice Zombies display I'm putting together. Although, next to the more detailed dead lanterns it may turn out to be a little bland.
Hal came with a Black Lantern ring, similar to the one you got with the comics. Except this one has a code the other one doesn't.
Sinestro, on the other hand, was a pleasant surprise. his crooked smile and Vincent Price mustache are great. At first I thought he was just another repaint too. But he doesn't look like Justice or Yellow Lantern Sinestro (I don't actually own these, so I may be wrong). But I guess it's a new sculpted head in a repainted body.
I like the color of the head. DCD seems to have troubles deciding if Sinestro should be pink or purple, but I think this is just fine.
Also, he's the only white lantern you are going to get (in full white lantern outfit, at least) until Geoff Johns decides he needs another car and a better TV set and writes another giant Crisis-like arc.
Until next time.
(Hey wait a second... Isn't Geoff Johns writing Brightest day? That sneaky bastard... Next you are going to tell me we are getting a Mera figure too...)
1 comment:
Great review FREAK STUDIOS :D
Anyone looking for these
DC Direct exclusives from
C2E2 can find them for sale
at the
Black Hal Jordan
White Sinestro
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