Although this might be a shock to most of you, it is true, I am a geek. Well, most of my personalities were thrilled about it, some of the others, the ones that live in a little place I like to call "Denial Land" said "What? Me? A geek? Nah!", so the others got together and tried to come up with some proof... This is the best we got:
Who's got two thumbs and proves that this blog is really really geek?
Is that settled? Good, now lets move on. The rules of the This Blog Is Certified Geek Award (Trademark) say that now I have to choose two blogs and give the award to them. So, how about an applause and maybe even a standing ovation for your very-sharp-how-does-he-stay-so-young? host, Phantooooom Straaaanger:
For me (and for so many more) Action Figure Blues is one of the best if not the best toy blog out there. It has the occasional news, but it's mostly about a guy and his toy collection. It's the incredibly funny site of someone who, like me, is geographically challenged in the world of toy collecting. Plus, there's the kick-ass AFB Forum, the first on line community I have ever belong to and actively participate in. All those porn forums you say? Nice people, but no love... Wait, that didn't came out... Oops, wait again... Ehmm, Moving on... Next winner please!
Leon at Open the Toy has a very different taste in Action figures than me, that's why it's such an interesting blog to read, he gets really cool stuff I have never seen. Plus, he has games and funny comics (but not enough funny comics) in his blog too.
I think, what I'm trying to say is...
Now, is their time to pick two winners for the Award. The rules are the first comment to this post.
Until next time. GEEK!
Damn! here are the rules...
1. Upon being given this award, please pass the award on to two other blogs that you feel are Certifiably Geek!
2. Go to the the Certifiably Geek Blogs award winner listings blog and make sure that blog hasn't already received the award.
3. Create a post on their blog announcing the two blogs they've decided to award.
4. In that post, include the official graphic (as seen here)
5. Provide a link to the two blogs
6. Tell why they've chosen the two blogs
7. Include the URL for the award blog (http://certifablygeekblogs.blogspot.com)
8. Email Jon K (the guy who created the award and manages this blog) at waffyjon at comcast dot net with the above information, plus what category they think the blog fits in (so I can label it accordingly). If the blog fits more than one category, they should include them all (for example, if the Random Acts of Geekery were awarded this -- which it can't, because none of my blogs are eligible to win -- the categories would be comics, toys, cartoons, sci-fi, Star Trek, monster movies, etc.)
9. Contact the two blogs that they've awarded, tell them about this blog, as well as where they can find the post in which they were awarded. They can do this by emailing the bloggers (if that's possible) or by leaving a comment in a recent post.
Thanks very much mate! Your kind words are much appreciated, and we do love having you as a member of the AFB Community!
Hurrah! Well done FS!
HAHAHAHA! And once again, you have proven why I love this blog!
@Scott: You deserve it mate. This and any other award they give you.
@FMS: Thanks!
@Reis: Double thanks!
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