I had this conversation with a friend (he reads the blog, I didn't even knew he knew I had a blog, and wishes to remain anonymous, so we'll just call him "Friend", man I feel like Ludo from Labyrinth... "Ludo Friend")... Where was I? Oh, right, the conversation I had a couple of days ago:
Friend: So... I have a toy I don't want and I think you would like...
Freak Studio: Great, I want it!
F: But I still haven't tell you what it is...
FS: It's OK... I'll take it...
F: OK, but I'll just give you this toy if you don't have the character already...
FS: ... O... K
F: It's Harley Quinn, from the DCD Mad Love pack...
FS: ...
F: So, do you have one?
FS: ...
F: ...
FS: ... No.
F: Liar, you do have one!
FS: I don't! I can't believe you would accuse me of...
F: I saw it last week at your house...
FS: ...
F: ...
FS: Oh, THAT Harley Quinn... But that one is impossible to stand and has a broken arm (this is actually true).
F: OK, but you can't have it.
FS: But I really want it!
F: No.
FS: But I really really want it!
F: No.
FS: But I really really really want it!
F: NO!
This went on for like seven or eight "really really really" more, finally my friend gave up and handed me this:
Booyah! Thanks to The Simpsons that taught me that being incredibly annoying is a sure way to get things! The complete story behind this is that my friend ordered the Mad Love two pack because he wanted the Joker (it's Alex Ross' Joker but painted in the metallic colors DCD is apparently really enjoying these days). He's a huge Joker fan but not a toy collector, so he gave me Harley. The bad thing is that the Joker's cane was broken in two. So, to show I'm not completely heartless I ask that if any of you readers have an extra Joker cane (I don't really know why would you have one, but I'll ask anyway), please contact me (funforfreak@gmail.com). Thanks!
The Harley I owned was the Hush version that's almost the exactly same sculpt as this one. It is a gorgeous sculpt to begin with, way better than Mattel's one in my opinion. So, if this is just a metallic red repaint, you may ask, why did I wanted it so bad?
Because of this:
The Harley from Hush has pre-posed feet. making her completely impossible to stand without the help of the base, the base from Hush is quite big and it uses way too much display space. For this re-release, DCD sculpted flat feet, allowing Harley to stand perfectly on her own.
Also what I told my friend is true, Harley's arm was a little bit fragile, it didn't fall off, but you couldn't move or pose if you wanted it to stay in place.
The only thing in which DCD dropped the ball here, is that they forgot to paint one of her boots. One is supposed to be red, but they are both black. Just a minor problem of an excellent figure. So, I'm happy...
... You might even say crazy happy about this couple.
Until next time.
(I'll really really really really really really really really miss you!)
That one cool figure! Now the Joker have two of her. LOL Congrats!
That's a sweet redo. Nice score FS!
u take out the word of my mouth... i saw that Harley Queen almost identical to that of Hush, but the metallic paint giv her an extra-taste... with friends like this... i will lose my mind =PP
Leon: Your comment made me remember Batman Beyond, there were two identical twins called Deedee and Deedee in the Jokers gang, they were the grandaughters of Harley Quinn... Custom ideas anyone?
FMS: Yes it is, thanks!
Chrisman: It is the one from Hush, with different feet... Oh, and my mind was gone long before this present...
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