This is just so great, so amazing, so massive, that the only word I can use is "epic"... But I can't really say that because I'm actually speechless.
So... Crazy weather huh?
OK, breathe, breathe... This is, of course, DC Universe Classics Wave 11 Collect and Connect Figure Green Lantern Kilowog. Since I didn't get the entire wave 11 I had to find other ways to get Kilowog. Luckily these ways didn't involve mud wrestling, garbage eating or killing a bunch of people in a car the other night around 11:30 and 12 a.m. (wait, better forget you've read that)...
I said "luckily" because I would have done those things and much more for this figure. He's incredible, and did I mention "massive"?
The sculpt of the head and neck is amazing the 4 Horsemen did an awesome job this time. The body was reused for Brimstone, but since I only want one figure of the Public Enemies line, Major Force (and I can't even get him) I don't think I'll have Brimstone any time soon. So, I don't mind the reuse.
Kilowog, doesn't have any accessories but has a cool ring sculpted in his huge hand. Also he thinks accessories are for pussies and he doesn't want any. Hey, that's what he told me.
I have said before that I have a love/hate relationship with the concept of the C&C... Well, now, like that time, the delicate balance of feelings is pointing towards love!
Also, some people asked me to show more pics of my collection and not only of the new figures. So I'll try to take a pic of the place they'll take in the display. In this case my extended Justice League International display:
Of course, when Kilowog was in the JLI he didn't have his power ring, was dressed in civilian clothes and was more like a handy man than a hero. But that doesn't matter because Kilowog was incredibly Badass then... Hell, I'm sure Kilowog was incredibly Badass even in HIgh School...
I wonder...
Until next time.
"... ..." (that's me being speechless, by the way)
Well done! He is one badass figure!
totally in agreement F... it’s freaking BIG & plenty of detail (K K, myb a lil’ less than ur Major Disaster =PPPPP) & with an splendid paint job... i can’t believe u hav that... call it: luck (but i dun believe in luck)... better: good contacts... soooooo jealous !!! =PPPPP
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